Friday, 1 September 2023

New portable setup, Xeigu G106 ironing out the problems... 01/09/23

 Not REALLY much to report, ankle is still mending, I still cant get out on the tops. HOWEVER my time hasn't been completely wasted!

Investments slowly slowly in a new HF portable kit, for hilltop operations has been in full swing, with the purchase of a Xeigu G106 QRP SDR based radio, an EFHW (End Fed Half Wave) for 40/20/15 & 10M bands. and a battery to power it all!

Anyhow, these little HF SDR radios are not without their problems, the main one seems to be breakthrough and ghosting by strong AM/MW broadcast stations...

More stuff on the Xeigu and the setup to follow, but today i received a parcel, and couldn't wait to get out and test its contents!

Ill let the Video attached do the talking, but please visit if you like the EFHW and the Filter! Thanks! 

73 - Alan - 2E0JWA

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