Monday 30 September 2024

6 SOTA Summit weekender (part 2) Mynydd Y Cwm GW/NW-076. 6/9/24

Friday was soon here, and the weekends plans could begin properly, I had to be in North Wales to drop the XYL and her friend off at a caravan in Towyn, they were having a girly weekend in the Towyn area. once dropped off and mindful of the traffic I decided on a quick one, and Mynydd y Cwm fitted the bill. the weather was superb, not a breath of wind and lovely warm sunshine I was hoping the rest of the weekend would be like this!

I parked in the usual spot on the lane, and headed up the track into the forest. last time I went up Mynydd y Cwm the forestry people had just been in, and there were piles of chopped logs everywhere and alot of open ground, now its very overgrown with tall ferns and brambles in amongst the rotting brash. I managed to find the left turn up to the pond, spana right and heded up the wider track, its another right turn off here to the summit memorial..

I set up in a clearing just before the memorial, got the slim G up the pole and gave a call..

not a fast activation with 12 contacts in just over half an hour, had a decent chat with a mountain biker too.. nice bloke! he was quite interested in what I was doing, and amazed i was getting contacts into Manchester!

With the contacts drying up, and this being a Friday evening I decided to call it a day, get ahead of the traffic, so I packed up and headed down. summit 2 done.... tomorrow was going to be the main event! with 3 summits planned....

as usual, thanks to the chasers!

Alan - 2E0JWA

Sunday 29 September 2024

6 Sota summit weekender!! (part 1) G/SP-010 Winter hill. TP0701 Rivington 4/9/24

 Ok, ok I know the 4th september wasn't a weekend day. I did however have this planned for the weekends adventures, its just I was working in the area, and I managed a dinner time finish..  the weather was decent so I thought what the hell! 

My plan was always to ascend from the Belmont side, the path seems to be a decent balance between steep and walkable! 

If im honest, it looks alot worse than it actually is the path is well made and in reasonable condition, and I was soon on the top.

once up top, You arrive at the tarmac service road for the transmitters and swing to the right  a few more 100 yards walk, and you will find the trig point, The Trig isnt named after the hill, and is called Rivington TP0701. this seems to cause much confusion amongst trig enthusiasts and baggers alike!

the feelings of antenna inadequacy over, I set to activating. given the fact it was an opporunist activation, i had none of my usual kit, infact I ascended in steel toe work boots, and a luminous yellow work coat! this meant, it was the handheld a Nagoya rubber duck, and luckily the SOTAbeams filter for 2M band! Game on!

Got on the air for 1330bst 1230utc and quickly got M0CQE - Paul in the log. followed by 7 more QSOs giving me 8 in the log. but a storm was brewing and threatening rain, so I decided to quit while I had a chance of getting down in the dry! so I headed for the car, quick selfie and away back to the car!

A great activation for a weekday afternoon, as usual thanks to all the chasers without you guys we couldnt do what we do!

To be continued in part 2!
