Sunday, 29 December 2024

Autumnal Cumbrian adventures (part 1) G/LD-030 Black Coombe 29/9/24

 My parents live in Cumbria, and this is useful! ok, they dont live in the national park, they live on the Furness peninsular, right at the bottom before you get wet! so its still one hell of a drive to alot of the summits in Cumbria! and this is not so useful. Black Coombe DOMINATES the bottom end of the peninsula, its visible from just about everywhere, and for years has tormented me.. I just wasnt fit enough for the climb! But now, I think I might be... A plan was formed, and a mission set.. Activate Black Coombe! 6 points and 600M dead, and 590 of which you have to climb as the start point is about 10M ASL.. this is a PROPER lump!

I parked in the usual spot, at the church at Whicham, headed down the little passhae and onto the lane, Black coombe is an absolute BEHEMOTH and towers over you as approach the bottom, the path however starts of fairly gently, but luls you into a false sense securuity! Make no mistake, these Cumbrian mountains are steep!

The number of false summits are probably the most annoying thing, that and the unrelenting steepness! its just up, up and more up requires some serious stamina, but I plodded on.. this seriously nearly broke me!

As I got higher the wind started off the Irish sea, properly blowing it was aswell, and as the path runs up that side, there is no let up from it.. certainly made things more difficult! as I got to the summit shelter, I realised putting the mast up would be nearly impossible as the wind was properly gale force by this time! I managed to get the spectrum Communications Slim G up, just above the summit shelter at a jaunty angle! That would have to do..... Spot sent, and away I went on 2M! 

Things were quite slow, I managed 8 in 19 mins, Matt M0MZB First, and Paul M0CQE (Just) to finish! not fancyng that wind any more than I needed too, it was time to go!

I did the descent with the wind in my face, and that was a struggle.... but going down was definately quicker than going up! hahaha
My first taste of a Cumbrian mountain, Bloody hard work and very rewarding in the same bag! 6 points in the bag too (my biggest SOTA to date)! Would I do it again? Maybe! although there are other fells and Mountains in the area, I would try first..I can see myself becoming very acquanted with cumbrian fells in 2025!
73, Alan

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